RD 2030 McDonald Island EOP

This document and accompanying annex map, having been duly reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees of Reclamation District 2030 – McDonald Island (hereinafter referred to as Reclamation District 2030), is hereby promulgated as the official emergency plan of the District. District personnel are hereby directed to use this plan as the basis for emergency response to flood events. This plan meets the safety plan requirements of Section 9650 of the California Water Code and is compliant with the National Incident Management System and National Response Framework.

The District Counsel/Secretary is hereby directed to distribute this plan to outside agencies in accordance with the Record of Initial Distribution to ensure proper inter-agency coordination during emergency operations. Copies of the plan shall be provided to additional agencies upon request. The District Counsel/Secretary and District Engineer shall review this plan and accompanying annex annually for needed changes and updates.

The District Counsel/Secretary and District Engineer are authorized to make routine updates and changes to the plan required by changes in district operations and personnel and changes to outside agency plans that affect district operations.

The Board of Trustees of Reclamation District 2030 shall review this plan once every three years and after any major flood event where the plan was used to guide District response. The District Counsel/Secretary shall maintain a record of Board plan reviews and approval actions in accordance with District documentation procedures and policies.